In the idyllic village of Cuckfield, Essex, nestled among the classic red-brick, quintessential cottages, stands an architectural gem known as the ‘Shards’, an attractive, sleek property set into the land previously utilised as an old quarry.
Morgan Carn, Architects, understood that this site would only be granted the go ahead as a potential development site if they met the criteria for the ‘Outstanding and Innovative Architecture’ clause as stipulated in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). So, to meet this criteria, Morgan Carn took inspiration from the historic quarry outlines, and designed a tasteful footprint that paid homage to the heritage and landscape around.
As winners of the prestigious 2024 ECO Award, presented by the Sussex Heritage Trust, it was apparent that sustainability was at the forefront of the design. When it came to choosing the right products, sustainability and durability were the key objectives to meet. Despite the technically challenging detail, all aspects of sustainability were considered includingenergy efficiency, waste reduction and selection of materials, thus resulting in the impressive, finished piece of architecture.
The project’s standout feature is the use of the Nudura Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) system, selected by ICF Southern and installed by Rhys Quinn of Eco Build Southern. This innovative building method has significantly enhanced ‘Shards’, offering exceptional energy efficiency, soundproofing, and durability. The system’s simple installation allowed for rapid construction. Additionally, the superior thermal performance of Nudura ICF ensures long-term energy savings and reduced environmental impact, making it an ideal solution for sustainable, modern living.
Nudura’s technology offers a range of benefits suited to a plethora of construction needs whether it be commercial or residential. The system features two 67mm thick panels of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS), connected by a patented web system made entirely from 100% recycled materials. These forms are stacked, reinforced with steel, and are filled with concrete, creating a strong, resilient structure. The resulting blocks are not only durable but can also withstand winds of up to 250 mph, ensuring the safety of the occupants inhabiting the home and the longevity of the building.
For more information about the Nudura products used in this award-winning project, or to explore other innovative solutions from Tremco CPG, please contact us here.